Monday, February 11, 2013


So who watched the grammy's last night? what was your best moment???

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Monday, February 4, 2013

Baby Milan

Shakira's baby boy Milan and fiance Pique, I don't know who is cuter!

Superbowl Sunday

The sketch to Beyonce's outfit for the superbowl

So cool how she shared the stage with her girls Kelly and Michelle

Backstage waiting to perform

with hubby Jay-Z

Alicia Keys ready for the national anthem

So beautiful

Her dress from the back

Alicia's outfit for the day before rehearsal

Rehearsing with J-Hud

With the hubbs, too cute, look how he's holding her!

You go girl, show 'em your moves.

How cute is this? just liek the old times :)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Azonto Madness

I am learing this new dance called Azonto from Ghaba, I must admit I have been kinda obssessed about it,.....
Estoy aprendiendo este bailecito traido desde Ghana, estoy algo obsesiondada con el baile.. esos pacito, el ritmo, simplemente te hace bailar :)

Superbowl Sunday

I am excited to see Alicia Keys and Beyonce perforn at the superbowl today... from the comfort of my home of course.... who are you guys going for? Ravens or 49ers??